At GAPBRAVE, we believe that money should not prevent young travelers from becoming the next global citizens and gears for positive change. Many students can at...
GLOBAL. The documentary Gringo Trails (2013), directed by Pegi Vail, and produced by Pegi Vail and Melvin Estrella, presents the history of globetrotting touris...
SHANGHAI, THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. Shanghai is the world’s most populous city-proper over-brimming with people, ideas, and objects perpetually on the mov...
GLOBAL. One of the greatest opportunities students and young adults should seize is traveling to unknown lands. We are at our mental and physical prime, and not...
FLORIDA, U.S.A. The Gulf of Mexico is the calmer side of Florida, incomparable to the ritzy showcasing of Miami and South Beach, and certainly more serious than...
ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. After Grant Wood (American Gothic) was created in 2010 by Devorah Sperber and commissioned by the Memorial Art Gallery in Rochester, New Yo...
HONEOYE LAKE, THE FINGER LAKES REGION OF UPSTATE NEW YORK, U.S.A. This is the backyard of my family’s home in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York, in a ...
BOW, NEW HAMPSHIRE. You can tell when someone is an avid skier just looking at their front door. Hanging on the porch, these skis are ready to start the snow se...
BAY OF MONT SAINT MICHEL, FRANCE. The English Channel is remarkably rough, separating France from England by a few hundred miles. Many beaches are darkly staine...
Nicole Eigbrett is a food geek, ultimate frisbee player, and aspiring globetrotter. She recently graduated from St. Lawrence University and hopes to merge her love of writing and art with global affairs and social advocacy.