ISRAEL. While the Holocaust warranted sympathy for the Jewish people, Israel has proven to be a very “bad kid” since birth; contrary to most infants who are he...
ISRAEL. Aunque que el Holocausto sirviese de excusa para compadecer al pueblo judío, Israel ha demostrado ser un "niño malo" desde su nacimiento. Al contrario ...
Mudslinging, the language of Politics in America, works.
It is no secret that politicians (your local politicians and your Representatives in Washington) have ...
It’s time to stop being Americans and become Global citizens with global concerns, needs and solutions. The Ebola outbreak in Africa has spurred a group of mind...
Mr. Assad, this is President Obama speaking, we need to talk; a very simple script that could be the difference between defeating ISIS or continue on without mu...
By now you must have heard of Ferguson; if not, read this for a quick synopsis. The shooting of an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilso...
For the first time since Obama has been president of the United States has the Senate been united behind him on anything; Obama’s plan to train and arm Syrian r...
U.S.A. Is President Obama right to go along with the European allies imposing sanctions, more sanctions and further sanctions on Russia? Notwithstanding the fac...
U.S.A. A hero is an individual who accomplishes extraordinary acts for the benefit of others; a hero is unselfish, seeks no recognition or glory. A traitor on t...
U.S.A. President Obama, in what may be reported historically as the most cost-effective way to handle an international crisis and a display of statesmanship not...
GLOBAL. The successful alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union brought victory and an end to World War II. However, peace didn’t last long. Admi...
NEW YORK CITY, U.S.A. This article is part of a two-part series on Blacks in NYC. Read the first segment here.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is no strange...
NEW YORK CITY, U.S.A. New York City, known as the financial capital of the world, fondly referred to by its residents as the 'melting pot', has a population of ...
U.S.A. Janeen Smith is turning 25 years old this year, a number that sends chills through her spine. “I owe twice as much with a few zeroes added to it.” She re...
HAVANA, CUBA. Nearly 25 years since the Cold War ended in 1991, Cuba, a small Caribbean country, has continued to suffer economically under the weight of an emb...
EE.UU. Gracias al modo en que George W. Bush justificó en falso la guerra de Irak, el mundo occidental se muestra hoy en día más cauteloso a la hora de decidir...
Mike Ducheine graduated cum laude from the University of California, where he obtained an MBA in Business Management & Finance. He gave up his career in business to go back to school to study journalism at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Mike focuses his writings on global & local politics and discusses topics of social impact. In 2016, he published his first book title "The OBAMA Legacy," in which he discusses the former US President's accomplishments. Early this year, on February 3, 2017, he published his second book titled "Defiant for America," in which he addresses President Trump's approach to governing.