CUBA. Cuba a peaceful paradise? For tourists, definitely. A bunch of old-timers, cigars, straw heads and cheap cocktails easily create the illusion of a peacefu...
CUBA. Cuba’s capital city Havana welcomes me with the shrill sound of a beggar clattering his jar filled with a few coins. The hot sun burns on his leather-like...
GLOBAL. That the world is in the middle of a financial crisis, is unlikely to have escaped anyone’s attention. While unemployment rates, debts and inflation in...
GLOBAL.Que el mundo atravesando una crisis financiera, lo habrán notado casi todos. Mientras que las tasa de desempleo, las deudas y la inflación aumenta, los ...
Nele Goutier is currently completing her Master of Arts, Erasmus Mundus Journalism, Globalization and Media at Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark and the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.