[translations idioma=”ES” url=”https://archives.rgnn.org/2013/10/31/roostergnn-narra-en-directo-la-xiii-cumbre-de-premios-nobel-de-la-paz”]
WARSAW, POLAND. From October 21-23, Warsaw was converted into the world’s capital of peace. The biggest names in diplomacy, business and the struggle for peace came together here for the XIII World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates, with ROOSTERGNN providing live coverage of the diverse events and debates.

From interviews and speech transcriptions to photo exhibition slideshows and exclusive translations, ROOSTERGNN is proud to present extensive coverage of the Summit’s events, including key ideas defended by Nobel Peace Prize recipients such as former President of South AfricaF. W. de Klerk, microeconomist Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yunus and peace activist Mairead Corrigan-Maguire.

Moreover, to allow our readers to vicariously experience the feel of the Polish capital, ROOSTERGNN has published a series of photos titled “Warsaw Urban Landscape”. Here, the indelible mark of WWII is still present in the metropolis. that demonstrates the indelible mark the conflict has left on the spirit of Warsaw.

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