[translations idioma=”ES” url=”https://archives.rgnn.org/2015/06/24/esta-semana-en-madrid-26-06-2015-02-07-2015/”]
MADRID, SPAIN. Where would you like to go today — without having to leave the city? MADbudget has prepared a weekly guide of activities for you to enjoy. Many of them are free, or for a small fee, so get ready to have fun in the city and be sure to check This Week in Madrid regularly for weekly updates!
Tapas: Spanish Desing for Food

Tapas | Backlava
Tapas and the act of “tapeo” is a well-known, traditional part of Spanish culture. Tapas have become popular even in China – as you can see in this exhibition. By visiting you will discover the modern versions, inventions and designs that are transforming the traditional tapa.
Where: Matadero
When: Until July 19th. From Tuesday to Friday, 4:00pm to 10:00pm. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 11:00am to 10:00pm.
Free admission.
“Cerda” in the Casa de la portera
It´s a very unique theatrical experience being able to interact with the actors and immerse yourself in the scene. If this intrigues you, you have to check out the theater “Casa de la portera.” This week we recommend the play “Cerda,” awarded the best play of 2013 according to Mi butaquita. The story takes place in a convent where any surreal miracle or misdemeanor is possible.
Where: Calle Abades, 24 (lower right floor). Metro: La Latina, Tirso de Molina
When: Sundays at 6:00pm and 8:00pm
Price: 15€
Cool down this summer in the park
We´ve reached the end of June and cannot put up any longer with the heat… for some the summer in Madrid is an authentic nightmare … but at ROOSTERGNN, we have your solution! There´s nothing like taking advantage of a day at the pool or the park to cool yourself down. In Madrid Río, where it meets the Puente de Toledo, you will find Madrid´s version of a beach (that is, if you swap out sand for grass!). You can also spend the afternoon at Park Juan Carlos I, a huge park that has fountains so that you can refresh yourself in this deadly heat.
Where: Park Juan Carlos I and Madrid Río
Price: Free
Surprise yourself at the Mercado de Antón Martín
If you think you´ve experienced Madrid´s “mercado” scene after having only been the the Mercado de San Agustín, you´re wrong. Check out the Mercado de Antón Martín and you´ll be amazed with all that it has to offer. You can do some shopping, try some yummy food, see some cool art exhibitions and even take part in language exchange programs. It offers food and other goodies from all types of nationalities – from American hot dogs to a provençal stand to the japanese economy.
Where: Calle Santa Isabel, 5
When: Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 9:00pm. Saturday from 9:00am to 3:00pm.
Discover Madrid through its markets
Bueno, bonito y barato (good quality, pretty and cheap) are the three B´s that every bargain-shopper has in mind. If you want to find the real steals in the city, you have to visit the mercadillos that the Madrid Community puts on (for more information, read here. Get ready to negotiate and dominate bargain-hunting!