[translations idioma=”ES” url=”https://archives.rgnn.org/2015/10/21/periodista-de-rgnn-publicado-en-la-revista-wired/”]
Get to know “The Faces of RGNN” in this Special Series about ROOSTERGNN journalists, contributors and students who have completed internships at RGNN.
Why did you choose the Global Journalism internship at RGNN?
Because it’s very important for me to practice journalism in English and Spanish. I was looking for an opportunity like this one, which in this day is very hard to find. I think it’s very important to gain experience with different newsrooms and different job contexts.
What do you like most about RGNN?
I like the RGNN project so much. These kinds of opportunities are really important for people who wanted get started in journalism jobs. And RGNN publishes in different languages: it’s original too.
How did you start your career as a journalist?
I started my career some years ago. When I felt the possibility to write about all that I had (and that I have) inside me. To express my curiosity through letters. Sometimes I really need to write down something on my Moleskine or on my smartphone.
How did you start contributing to publications such as Wired?
When I was accepted to start writing for Wired Italy, it was an important day for me. I like this magazine so much. I know it is very difficult to be a journalist today, but all that I have done in my career is a conquest for myself.

Fabio Pariante’s author profile in Wired Magazine
What recommendations do you have for other aspiring journalists looking to contribute to well-known publications?
I advise them to keep looking for their own dream. Everywhere. I started this job when I was 20 years old, and while I worked in another context to go to the university, too. During the day, I studied in the morning, I worked in the afternoon until the evening (sometimes) and in the night I studied again. This was my life until some years ago. But don’t worry, in that period I had a social life, too.
What other publications do you contribute to?
I collaborate with others newsrooms about arts, innovation, tech and culture. But only in Italian, in contrast to RGNN. You can find all my published work on my site: www.fabiopariante.com.
How has your experience at RGNN given you a step forward in your journalism career?
Thanks to RGNN, I understand that if you believe in something, nothing is impossibile to do. You need only to believe in it, in your project. I say this because during my experience with you, I have done other things, too. I’m a determined person. I’d need days of 40 hours!
Twitter: @FabioPariante
Facebook: Fabio Pariante
Facebook Page as journalist (Instagram): Fabio Pariante Instagram
Instagram: Fabio Pariante
Website: http://www.fabiopariante.com/
RGNN Profile: Fabio Pariante
Articles published in Wired: Fabio Pariante in Wired
Keep reading “The Faces of RGNN” in this Special Series here.