GUANGZHOU, GUANGDONG, CHINA. Growing up in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia, I never would have expected that one day a gigantic, crowded, humid Southern Chi...
Under the motto, “Education is the key,” ROOSTERGNN is publishing a Special Series dedicated exclusively to one of the most important topics defining our society of today: Education.
SHANGHAI, THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. Shanghai is the world’s most populous city-proper over-brimming with people, ideas, and objects perpetually on the mov...
SHANGHAI, CHINA. The old and the new are juxtaposed in this view near the Yuyuan gardens in Shanghai. In the background, the modern globalized world, in the for...
After four quick months the time has come for me to return home and yet I feel as though I've only just begun to start to piece together the pieces of the massi...
SHANGHAI, CHINA. NSA, PRISM, FISA: This alphabet soup of surveillance on the White House menu looks like a sinister stew. No wonder a horse named Palace Malice ...