Procrastination seems to be a natural gift that most of my coaching clients and patients possess. So I say, soar with your strengths! Stop trying not to procrastinate, and instead become super successful at it!

Practice procrastination daily with these 12 simple steps.

Start each day with this plan for TODAY:

  1. Eat something you know you “shouldn’t” eat…tomorrow
  2. Give someone a piece of your mind…tomorrow
  3. Don’t exercise…tomorrow
  4. Make a bad decision…tomorrow
  5. Spend…tomorrow
  6. Smoke…tomorrow
  7. Quit caring…tomorrow
  8. “Feel” like doing it…tomorrow
  9. Be lazy…tomorrow
  10. Be unhappy…tomorrow
  11. Take it personally…tomorrow
  12. Procrastinate…tomorrow

The next time you feel tempted to procrastinate…don’t do it today, do it TOMORROW!

You can put off anything for at least today. TODAY IS THE DAY!