Madrid can offer several opportunities of study thanks to its main Universities such as Complutense, Carlo III, San Pablo CEU or Rey Juan Carlos. For these reasons, each year Madrid welcomes thousand of students reaching the Spanish capital for living a wonderful Erasmus experience. However, before arriving in Madrid, It could be useful having informations about the Universities, rooms, life cost, on some websites which can help you to Know what you need before leaving your countries. These 5 websites can show you how to know Madrid, its entertainments and its attractions.
1. Madrid de Fiesta

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Who is going to Madrid for an Erasmus period would like to know the main places where it’s possible to meet people and socialize. Madrid de Fiesta is a Facebook page, here you can view many organization parties in several night clubs of Madrid. Madrid de Fiesta realizes very funny and thematic parties in some of Madrid Discos, such as Gabana or Joy. On the Facebook profile you can read the several opinions about the Madrid de Fiesta events. Very famous are its “beer pong” parties, where music, beer and the ping pong balls are the protagonists. Moreover, you can watch the event photos in order to have an idea of these events.
2. Marco never sleeps

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Marco Never Sleeps is another Facebook profile, though this one is a closed group, for this reason, in order to view its posts You need send a participation requests as member and then looking for your necessities. Marco never sleeps is an interesting page, because it tries to show which are the main parties in Madrid, but also sharing opportunities for different interests, such as Gym subscriptions, Spanish trips, Rooms, Bank accounts , SIM card informations or articles about Madrid and its particularities. This page is managed by Marco Cito, an Italian young guy, which made this profile for helping Erasmus students and Foreign people for Knowing better Madrid.
3. Erasmusu

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Erasmusu is a website principally destined to Erasmus student, anyway, it offers a set of informations about different cities and European capitals. Here, you can obtain information not only about study opportunities, but even on job offers and apartments. Erasmusu works as a sort of Forum online, where it’s possible to look for roommates, demanding job opportunities or simply sharing own Erasmus experience, in a particular country or City, with other people. Moreover, it’s possible to find informations about the universities where you will spend your Erasmus period. Erasmusu makes contacts among thousand of European students, for this reason it’s a perfect platform for obtaining useful informations about Madrid.

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MadridErasmus is the specific website thought for Madrid Erasmus Students. Indeed, here, you can find very useful informations about Madrid, in first place on the apartments and the rooms. However, there are also other parts dedicated to Trips, Madrid’s tourist guide, Spanish language courses in Madrid, Public transports and many further informations. MadridErasmus has a Blog, where you can read interesting curiosities about Madrid, the Spain and its entertainments. MadridErasmus also offers a Newsletter for being informed about own necessities and interests.
5. ESN UAN Madrid

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ESN is the Erasmus Network, which has the aim to connect the international students, explaining them what are the structures able to help European students during their foreign period. In particular, ESN manages the organization of several events such as Cultural, sportive or linguistic activities. ESN aims to realize socializing and multicultural exchange events, in order to allow to these students to enjoy of a set of beautiful experiences. ESN UAN Madrid tries to make easier all what could be more difficult to face alone as a foreign student in a new country with a different language. For Example, the platform ESN in March organised a big reunion in Seville, which included the Erasmus students present in Spain.
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