While doing an exchange semester in Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland I discovered a lot of new things. A semester abroad is always a good experience in general, but why should you choose especially Letterkenny?
Letterkenny is the biggest town of the irish county Donegal, which is located in the very north of Ireland. This place is famous for its beautiful landscape as well as one of the highest cliffs of Europe (Slieve League with 601m). Whether you go to the Lighthouse at Fanad Head, to the Glenveagh National Park or to the Mount Errigal, you will always find the right place for you.
Pubs & Clubs
A very important point of the town are all the little irish pubs, which appear on almost every corner.
While walking along on the Main Street you can see the Central Bar which is opposite to the Cottage Bar. This pub is perfect for a cold winter’s day because it is really small, but also comfortable and cozy. A special highlight of the Cottage Bar is the ceiling which is decorated with little accessoires like cups, bowls, a guitar or even a bike.
Another big spot on the Main Street is the Voodoo Pub & Club. Especially on Tuesday nights a lot of students are coming there to take part in the Voodoo Pub Quiz. Thereby they can get a free ticket for the entrance of the Voodoo Club which opens right after.
Next to this Pub & Club is the McGinley’s. It is like the typical irish pub which offers a lot of different sorts of beer and almost anytime a life band is playing there.
Another pub is The Cavern which offers not only beer but also entertaining karaoke nights every Wednesday.
Shalom House
The Shalom House consists of four facilities. The main building, where the owner lives, offers approximately about two to three rooms for students. The three other houses are completey filled with exchange students from around the world. Compared to many other houses or students accomodations, the Shalom House creates with its special atmosphere a real home. Also because of the nice furnishings, a big kitchen as well as a large living room, it is perfect for students to spend a good time there together.
Clubs & Societies
While I was studying Business Management at the Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) I got a lot of different offers of Clubs and Societies to join. Whether the students attend in the Music & Bands Club, the Irish Dancing Society, the Hillwalking Club, the Kayaking Club, the Frisbee Society, the Internaional Society or even in the Astronomy Club, there is the right society for everybody.
Friends forever
The probably most important point is about all the people you meet while you are doing your exchange semester. Even if you meet them no matter to which country you go, Letterkenny brings the people really close to each other because it is not as big as many other cities. You get to know all the other international students really easily and it is also not too hard to reach them or spend time with them because they are almost at the same place. This amazing atmosphere of an erasmus semester creates a special connection between each other that can last forever.
„My nine months living in Letterkenny were definitely the best time of my life. First, due to the challenge that was to move abroad all alone and get over it with any type of problems, but the main reason was the people there. I met some of the best friends I’ve ever had, some of whom almost became brothers or sisters to me. It’s amazing how close you can get to somebody in such a short time.”
Miguel Martinez Nogueroles, Spain
„The Erasmus Semester in Letterkenny was definitely the best time of my studies. I gained so many experiences there but the best were undoubtly the international friendships which I made there. Even tough I’m not on Facebook it has been no problem to stay in contact with them.“
Elisabeth Zehetmaier, Germany
„I think an Erasmus Year is an experience so incredible and intense, I mean all the Erasmus people, we have lived a lot of things, we created a very strong friendship and we don’t especially need to see each other everyday to keep this friendship.“
Stéphane Moulin, France

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„I have met the coolest people and friends during my semester in Letterkenny. Especially when you are afraid to go there cause you cannot imagine how it will be. And then you arrive and instantly get along pretty well with the people there. You can talk about everything and know all the stories from each other. The experiences that you make together stay forever and you find friends that you would have never found otherwise.“
Maria-Zita Papp, Austria