The importance of interning as a student brings valuable experience and can help you get your foot in the door. It also makes for a much easier transition when going from college into your chosen career field. You may have heard from your college and academic advisors of the positives associated with interning, and you may have even come across resources and postings yourself. This is because your school probably knows just how critical internships are in your academic career. There are many positives associated with this, and listed below are just five of them:

The Experience

This is perhaps the most important point, and one you’re probably already thinking of when you apply for an internship. Getting good, hands on experience helps prepare you when looking for a full time job upon graduation. It also strengthens your skills, and may even show you what your strengths and weaknesses are in certain areas. In many instances, depending on where you want to work, experience is a requirement. Even in instances where it’s not, it still looks good to include this when applying for a position.

A Good Addition To Your Resume

Along with all of the basic skills to include on your resume, adding an internship to the list is always a good idea. Employers like to see you’ve had good experience in the field you’re applying for. Of course any experience is good experience, as you may have already been told by an advisor. However, by including any internships you’ve completed, employers may be more likely to call you back and schedule an interview. It’s important to note that not all jobs require a previous internship related to your career choice, but it’s never a bad thing to add and as stated earlier, it can definitely increase chances of getting a call back!

Meet New People 

Another important perk of interning is the opportunity to meet people and gain new contacts. The relationships you form can help not just in the present, but also in the future when it comes to adding references to job applications. Although references are not technically required on a resume, it’s definitely something you can add to make yourself jump out in the crowd. In addition, these contacts can help you by teaching you useful skills and even mentoring you along the way. Not to mention, making friends while in college is something that cannot be underestimated. The friendships you build are ones that often stay with you for a lifetime, and the support is something that is crucial to have when going through major life events.

Full Time Job Opportunities

Perhaps you have heard of friends or peers who have interned while in college only to secure a full time job with the company upon graduation. This is a route in which many students seem to take, as it makes for an easier transition going fresh from college into your career. Interning at a certain company helps you prove to your employer that you know how to get the job done right, which may make them more likely to offer you a full time position. It also allows you to gain stronger connections, and by getting to know them better, they will likely have more confidence in you.

Helps Prepare You For The Real World 

Once you graduate college, you’ll soon find out it can be almost overwhelming when looking for a job and even once you’re actually working. Suddenly it can feel like you have many more responsibilities that you didn’t have before. By interning while still in college, even if it’s only part-time, you can feel more prepared and confident upon graduation. This way, the world won’t look so big and scary as you might have imagined it. You would have already seen how a specific company works, making your first day on the job much less of an anxiety provoking event.

Most college students are aware of the importance of interning while still in school. However, it’s still a good idea to understand just why you should be doing this, and all of the positive outcomes of doing so. As much as a relief you may feel after graduating, you may be in for a shock once you’re left realizing now you need to find a job. This is where interning can come in as a useful experience to have had. No matter who you intern for, where it is, or whether it’s paid or even unpaid, the experience will almost always be a valuable one.