BRAZIL. Modernism arrived in Brazil in the early twentieth century in the form of art and literature. While in the 20 or 30 starts as a modern sociological both industrially time is after World War II when the democratic and urban development is emphasized that constitute the connotation and denotation of new modern image of Brazil.

The Museum of Photography in Berlin, thanks to the collaboration of the Moreira Salles Institute of Brazil, presents the work of four of the most prominent photographers of the postwar era. A collection of photographs on industry, infrastructure and machinery made possible industrial development toward a modern Brazil ; but on the other hand, the rituals of the natives of the Amazon region that coexisted with modern city at that time, especially with José Medeiros. Brazilian photojournalist, whose most popular work transparently collects initiation rites, everyday life or photo-portraits of Indians.

As regards infrastructure, was a direct reflection of the development and the protagonist of his design was the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. In this regard, major cities, industrial policies were the engine toward modernism. However, the social mirror shown in this exhibition shows the significant contrast between the Indian villages and the metropolis.

In the words of exhibition curator, Dr Ludger Derenthal: “Brasilia you would get only photos of political and Administration, Rio’d society and culture; and St. Paul would get culture. “ And these artists captured both the industrial and urban development as the traditional life. This includes scenes screenshots Bay as fighting art and Capoeira dance, ritual dances on the beach in Salvador or Rio Black houseboats. As a peasant hut and around Brasilia portrayed by French photographer Marcel Gautherot.

Therefore, we can say that we talk about a country of great geographical dimensions that houses culture and tradition in regions such as the Amazon or the coast, but in the cities themselves has grown industrially to form part of the contemporary modern world.

Moreover, political power was one of the players in Brazil’s development and well hinted photographers of this period with representations of political, administrative buildings under development or prominent inauguration of new Brazilian capital Brasilia as in April 1960. This event photographs institutional buildings is collected, but is captured from another spotlight hand Thomaz Farkas. “He was interested in architecture as such, but in the way that people took possession of this architecture; and also showed interest in