GLOBAL. World Food Day was established in 1945 to remember the founding date of the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization. ROOSTERGNN honors this sp...
GLOBAL. Artist Raquel Bullón Acebes presents her collection of poetry, "Unrhymed," in the form of a box of tobacco, with the label "poetry kills." Inside, there...
The ROOSTERGNN Series “Reactions to the Crisis” documents the effects of the current economic turmoil on commerce.
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LISBON, PORTUGAL. After Portuguese economist Joao Ferreira do Amaral published a book titled Why We Should Abandon the Euro, graffiti artists in the Spanish cap...
GIVERNY, FRANCE. Outside of Claude Monet's house in Giverny stands a car promoting the restaurant "Les Jardins de Giverny," decorated with Monet's poppy fields...
GLOBAL. In the Western hemisphere, store displays celebrate the coming of spring. The population rolls along: people are out on bikes, strolling through the par...
GERMANY. The No Person is Illegal campaign is sweeping the world attempting to represent non-resident immigrants who are living in their host country in fear of...
GLOBAL. "Punk will never diet" is a phrase that represents a community of people against the traditional views of beauty, gender, and sexuality promoted by the ...