SPAIN. Teaching in Spain can be a wonderful experience, but before accepting a teaching job it is important to know what to expect of English teacher salaries in Spain. An English teacher in big cities like Madrid and Barcelona will usually earn significantly more money than a teacher in a more rural area. However, people living in smaller Spanish cities often have a much lower cost of living, as expenses such as rent and food are generally much less expensive outside of these two cosmopolitan centers.

Average English Teacher Salaries in Madrid

An English teacher in Madrid can mean many different things depending on who you ask. From private one-to-one English tutors to official language academy instructors and public school employees, salaries range depending on your qualifications and where you find a job.

Private Class Tutor

The best thing about being a private English teacher in Spain is the chance to negotiate everything– pay, hours, vacations, etc. Nevertheless, it is important to know what to expect when negotiating your pay rate. Normally, in Madrid private class tutors earn between 15€ and 40€ per hour. The rate is largely dependent upon your qualifications (Are you college educated? Do you have a TEFL certificate or master’s degree?), as well as the area in which you decide to give classes and the type of classes you offer (conversation, test preparation, homework help, etc.). Conversation classes usually pay around the low end of the scale, while test preparation pays the most. You may also charge more to factor in any travel you have to do to arrive to your teaching destination.

  • Conversation Classes: 15€-20€ per hour
  • Test Preparation: 20€-35€ per hour
  • Two or more students: 20€-35€ per hour

Language Assistant

Language Assistants earn up to 1,400 Euros per month | cityyear.

Language Assistants earn up to 1,400 Euros per month | cityyear.

Language assistant salaries vary depending on the region you teach in, as well as if you have been hired through a public or private assistantship program. In Madrid, there are three main language assistant programs that offer the following contracts:

  • Ministry of Education Language Assistant: 16 hours per week, 1,000€ per month
  • BEDA Language Assistant: 16-24 hours per week, 695€-1,200€ per month
  • UCETAM Language Assistant: 24 hours per week, 1,400€ per month

Public School Teacher

Public school teachers are hired as government employees after passing an opposition exam presented by the state. After passing the exam, the teachers wait for their placement, which could be anywhere in the region. Public teachers’ salaries depend on government budgets and how long a teacher has been working. The starting salaries have recently been cut due to budget problems.

  • Public school teacher starting salary: 1,600€ per month

English Academy Instructor

Private English academies are another fantastic way to teach English in Spain. But, as in most sectors, there are wonderful academies that pay a fair rate, as well as awful ones that take advantage of their staff. Make sure to apply to a variety of places, and try to find previous or current employees to ask about their experiences.

  • Private English Academy Salaries: 16€-25€ per hour (some offer benefits and paid vacations too).

Summer Camp Teacher

Teaching English in summer camps: a great way to spend a couple of months off | auburnalumniassociation.

Teaching English in summer camps: a great way to spend a couple of months off | auburnalumniassociation.

A common option for teaching English during the summer is to apply to teach at one of Spain’s many summer camps. Conditions of employment vary greatly throughout the country, but most include transportation to the camp site, food and lodging, and a weekly salary. Some camps expect that, apart from teaching English, you will act as a camp counselor and take care of the children outside of class time. Make sure you know the specifics before accepting summer employment.

  • Average Summer Camp Salary: 400€-650€ per fortnight (two week period).

As you can see, there are many teaching positions in Spain, but salaries do vary quite a bit– even within the same position. Your best bet is to do your research, and apply to reputable companies that are offering a fair salary. You may be eager to begin teaching in Spain from day one, but waiting for a good offer is well worth it!