[translations idioma=”ES” url=”https://archives.rgnn.org/2015/02/13/esta-semana-en-madrid-14-02-20-02-2015/”]
MADRID, SPAIN. Where would you like to go today — without having to leave the city? MADbudget has prepared a weekly guide of activities for you to enjoy. Many of them are free, or for a small fee, so get ready to have fun in the city and be sure to check This week in Madrid regularly for weekly updates!

Goya | Charles Clegg
The platform RedITINER presents a series of etchings called ‘La Tauromaquia’ created by Goya between 1815 and 1816. The exhibition is structured in three parts: the history of the Spanish fiesta tradition, the main figuras of the bullfighting schools in the XVIII century, and various bullfighting incidents that had tragic outcomes.
The exhibition is being held in the Centro Cultural Pedro de Lorenzo (Calle Real 6) in the Soto del Real area (Madrid).
From January 30 – February 19, 2015.
For more information visit http://www.madrid.org/
For another year, the Circulo de Bellas Artes is celebrating its masquerade ball. The theme is ‘The Carnival of the Nude’ and during the costume competition, there will be various musical performances. The actor and comedian Joaquin Reyes will be the host for the night.
The party is taking place on Saturday, January 14th, from 11.00 p.m. in the Círculo de Bellas Artes (in the Salón de Baile, la Percera and the Sala de Columnas) located at Calle Alcalá, 42.
You can sign up up for the event between the February 2-10, from Monday to Friday, 10.30 – 14.00 in the Oficina de Actividades Culturales de Madrid (the Office of Cultural Activities of Madrid) Calle Montalbán 1, 7th follor. You must agree to these terms.
Entrance price is €40 (€32 for members of the Circulo de Bellas Artes). You can buy a ticket for a pre-sale price of €35 (general entrance) or €28 (members) until February 11th. Buy online
For more information visit http://www.circulobellasartes.com/

Chinese New Year | Sagrario Gallego
The Chinese New Year (Year of the Goat) or Spring Festival is celebrated in Madrid with a parade, which includes the dance of the Lion and Dragon. There will also be pyrotechnics, karaoke, theatre and martial arts demonstrations.
The Chinese New Year is celebrated on February 19th and the parade will take place in Lavapiés (Madrid).
For more information visit: http://www.homeaway.es/

Russian flag | Contando Estrelas
Ab exhibition inspired by the Day of the Diplomat and the 220nd anniversary of Aleksandr Griboyédov, the well known writer and Russian diplomat.
Centro Ruso de Ciencia y Cultura (Russian Centre for Science and Culture) in the Sala de Exposiciones (Exhibition Room, 2nd floor), from February 9-28, 2015.
Entrance is free.
For more information visit: http://www.centroruso.info/

Violin | Ovidiu Onea
The string section of the Metropolitan Orchestra of Madrid presents a special concert for Valentine’s Day. Expect pieces such as “the Serenade of the String” by Edward Elgar (1891) along with music from Chaikovski (1880).
February 14th at 19.30 , in the Auditorio Nacional (National Auditorium), Sala de la Cámara.
For more information and ticket sales (€20 or €25) visit the Auditorio Nacional de Música or INAEM’s Theatre Network, www.enradasinaem.com, www.grupotalia.org. Phone number: 913185928, Email: info@grupotalia.org