[translations idioma=”ES” url=”https://archives.rgnn.org/2015/03/05/esta-semana-en-madrid-06-03-12-03-2015/”]
MADRID, SPAIN. Where would you like to go today — without having to leave the city? MADbudget has prepared a weekly guide of activities for you to enjoy. Many of them are free, or for a small fee, so get ready to have fun in the city and be sure to check This week in Madrid regularly for weekly updates!

Between epileptic lyricism and rigorous discipline | María Jacarilla
Annotations for a Exegesis is a reinterpretation that seeks to challenge and modify art historyfrom existing materials, such as newspaper articles and novels. In addition, it reflects upon concepts such as “plagiarism“ and “appropriation”.
This exhibition can be visited until the 14th of March at Twin Gallery (Calle San Hermenegildo, 28).
Hours: Wednesdays to Fridays from 17:00 to 20:00 h.; Saturdays from 11:30 to 14:00 h.
For more information: Twin Gallery

Coro Tomás Luis de Victoria, XXV Festival de Arte Sacro participant| Coro Tomás Luis de Victoria
This year, this festival presents a total of 56 functions (48 musical performances, 5 cinema, 2 theater, and 1 dance) that will be exhibited until March 28. There will be multiple quality activities with free entrance. This week in particular, the shows are as follows:
–March 7 (17:00 h.):Week of Holy Week by Tomás Luis de Victoria function.
Navalafuente, San Bartolomé Parish Church(Navalafuente, Parroquia de San Bartolomé).
–March 7 (20:00h.): Sacred Music Concert.
Hoyo of Manzanares, The Storks Municipal Theater(Hoyo de Manzanares, Teatro Municipal Las Cigüeñas).
March 7 (20:00 h.): The Codex of the Strikes. Female songs of the 14thcentury.
Paracuellos of Jarama, Parish Church of San Vicente Mártir (Paracuellos de Jarama, IglesiaParroquial San Vicente Mártir).
March 7 (20:00 h.):Stabat Mater of Vivaldi and of Pergolesi.
Getafe, Santa MaríaMagdelena Cathedral Church (Getafe, IglesiaCatedral de Santa María Magdalena)
March 7 (21:00 h.): Santa Teresa Mass, by Johann Michael Haydn.
Alcalá de Henares, the Santos Children Magisterial Cathedral (Alcalá de Henares, Catedral-Magistral de los Santos Niños).
March 8 (20:00 h.): Everything Bach.
Apiary of Oreja, Santa María la Mayor Parish Church. (Colemnar de Oreja, IglesiaParroquial de Santa María la Mayor).
March 9 (21:00 h.):Stabat Mater, by Francisco Andreví.
Madrid, Parish of Our Lady’s Conception. (Madrid, Parroquia de la Concepción de NuestraSeñora).
March 10 (20:30 h.): the Seven Words of Christ on the Cross. Religious music in Spain during the second half of the 18th century.
Madrid, Sanctuary Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. (Madrid, IglesiaSantuario de NuestraSeñora del Perpetuo Socorro).
March 11 (20:30 h.): Arabian religious music and dance (live dance and music).
Madrid, Canal Theater (Green room).
March 12 (20:30 h.):Te Deum, by Marc-Antoine Charpentier.
Madrid, Sanctuary Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. (Madrid, IglesiaSantuario de NuestraSeñora del Perpetuo Socorro).
For more information: Madrid.org

The Route of Cocido Madrileño
This is the 4th consecutive year that this event is celebrated, a culinary and cultural party that aims to bring gastronomic tourists to the most outstanding restaurants of the capital and its surrounding cities, with diverse and authentic recipes of the stew. Some of the restaurants participating are Fuentearcos Restaurant, The Golden Lion Inn, The Shallot (Las Rozas), and Salterius (Majadahonda).
The route will take place until March 31st, with prices ranging from 15€ to 29€ depending on the establishment
For more information: The Route of Cocido Madrileño

Shut Up and Kiss Me | Plot Point
Shut Up and Kiss Me has been on stage for almost one year. It is a romantic comedy in the bolero rhythm that addresses issues such as fidelity and relationship entanglements. It now follows the “reverse box office” idea with the objective of bringing all kinds of profit to the comedy; here, it is the audience that decides how much they wish to pay for the play.
It will take place every Wednesday during the month of March at 20:30 h, at Plot Point (C/ Ercilla, 29).
Due to limited space, the ticket can be reserved by phone, 91 474 97 65, or by e-mail to info@plotpoint.es.
For more information: Plot Point

Market Day on February 7th
The Madrid Community showcases food products, directly from the producer to the consumer, in this fair held every month. Some participants anticipated in this event are Campo Real Olive Oil S.L., the RazaGuadarrama Breeders’ Association, Jams and Carmelite Delights (Loeches), Daganzo Godin Fernández Garbanzos (Daganzo), and “Santo Mamés” Artisan Cheese (San Mamés)..
It will take place on Saturday, March 7th, 10:00 to 15:00 h.
The location is Pº de la Puerta del Ángel, 4 (Casa de Campo fairgrouds).
For more information: CámaraAgraria de la Comunidad de Madrid