[translations idioma=”ES” url=”https://archives.rgnn.org/2015/03/19/esta-semana-en-madrid-20-03-26-03-2015/”]
MADRID, SPAIN. Where do you want to travel to today without having to leave Madrid? MADbudget is preparing leisure activities in public spaces without the benefit of profit in an effort to promote the intercultural aspect of the capital: this week in Madrid.

Mary Ward Foundation III Solidarity Race | Image on Action
It is now the second edition of this race that aims to create a recreational therapy program for children and adolescents with cancer; the profit will go to the AladinaFundación. It is 900 m. for children up to 9 years of age and 5 km for older racers. Francisco de Vitoria University will be sponsoring for the next 4 years.
It will take place on Saturday, March 21 at 10:00 h, at the Club de Campo Villa de Madrid.
You can register onlineor in person, at the reception desk of the indoor swimming pool at the location.
For more information: http://www.ccvm.es/

The hope by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes | Hervé Lewandowski
It is the first occasion in which a selection of some of the most distinguished works of academic painters of the 19th century partisan salons are presented. They reflect a dialogue between tradition (such as history and mythology) and the new changes of their time. Some of the painters of this trend are Jean-Léon Gérôme, AlexandreCabanel, and William Bouguereau.
You can visit for free until May 3rd at the Foundation Mapfre (Paseo de Recoletos, 23).
The hours are as follows:
Mondays from 14:00 to 20:00 h
Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10:00 to 20:00 h
Sundays and holidays from 11:00 to 19:00 h
The tickets can be purchased online.
For more information: http://www.exposicionesmapfrearte.com/

Poster for the film “Eight Basque Surnames” | Nacho
This work is composed of 8 small stories, like the famous movie (created by the same team), that looks for comedy in the differences between Andalucía and the Basque Country.
The work is showcased until May 21st for 26€ at the Marquina Theater during the following hours:
Tuesdays-Thursdays: 20:30 h
Fridays and Saturdays: 19:00 to 21:30 h
Sundays: 19:00 h.
For more Information: http://www.teatrosgrupomarquina.es/