Madrid is a big capital with a lot of monuments and attractions. For this reason, whether you want visit them, it is important moving very quickly. Fortunatly, Madrid has many vehicles which can also reaching the zones more distant from madrid city. Indeed, Madrid has 12 subway lines which can covering all the 8 zones, therefore there are Bus and the Cercacanias that is a kind of Urban train. Walking for Madrid is very nice and enjoyable because it’s possible to know its facets. However, If you wanted visit the main Madrid’s Places because you don’t have too much time or because you don’t want wait for, thus a public transport subscription could help you to save time. Moreover, Madrid’s public trasport allow several links with airport and train stations.
1.Find the perfect subsciption for your necessities

deep into Madrid |Paula Gimeno
Obviously, Public transports are chosen based on the personal necessities. The Subway is the best transport for moving within the town center or reaching specific zones. Usually, the subscriptions are valid for all kinds of transport, but on the website of consorcio regional de Transporte de Madrid you can find different subscriptions for each type of vehicle or favourite zone. Futhermore, There is a paritcular tickets, called Tarjeta azul, which can be used by citizens who have particular characteristics of age and disabilities. The Subsciription of this Card is 6,20 Euros for 30 days.
2. Take an appointment with an office

Madrid, gate 7 | Jose Maria Cuellar
Some of Subscriptions can be made with self-service machine at the entrance of metro underground, like the special ticket of 10 races that is valid for a EMT transport and Subway, costing 18,30 Euros. However, if you want to be sure, you can take an appointment for making your subscription at EMT offices, which are presents in different Metro stations, like Sol. Avenida de America, etc., or the smoke shops listed on the website of Consorcio regional de Transporte de Madrid. Usually, the appointments have to be taken via Internet, for this reason the EMT offices are frequently more occupied than the smoke shops.
3. Which are the best promotions?

Madrid, 2086|Chema Concellón
It is possible to choose among several promotions according to the personal necessities, anyway, there are two that deserving more attention: the annual subscription and the Younger subscription (Abono Joven). The former is convenient because it can be used for the entire year paying only 10 months. However, the prices can vary depending on the zone and the age. Besides, the annual subscription corresponds to 10 subscriptions of 30 days. The latter, it is a particular kind of subscription that is valid for the youngers than 26 years-old, permitting to circulate for every zone with every vehicle of Madrid’s area. Finally, there are also the subscriptions of 30 days, costing varies dependig on the zones and personal status( Young, Senior, disabled, etc.); the Family subscription which offers a percentage of sale based on 2 categories (General and Special); Subscription for people with disabilities, this kind of card is related to the percentage of disability (< or > 65%).
4. Public transports for tourists

Avant en Madrid Chamartín|Aleix Cortés
The main touristic offer is the “Touristic Ticket”, which can be valid from 1 to 7 days and for two types of zone, the Zone A and the Zone T. The former coincides with the municipal area of Madrid; the latter corresponds with all the other urban zones, included the Zone A. Moreover, this ticket allows to use metro, metro ligerio(only ML1 for Ticket zone A), Bus and Cercanias within the selectioned zone. Finally, the costs can vary depending the zone and the number of days. This type of Ticket can be bought in every metro stations and in Plaza Descubridor Diego de Ordás, 3.
5. Madrid by bicycle

Strange bicycle | Claudio Olivares Medina
Anyway, if you wanted to enjoy of Madrid even while you are reaching a specific place, the bicycle can be considered a good idea for moving within the city. Indeed, there are several bicycle rent, above all in the city center. In this way, you can take a bicycle and going around for the capital.
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