Yoga can seem intimidating when you have zero experience practicing it. Trust me, I know.

I took a yoga course at my university this past semester and it was extremely challenging. Beginning the course, I imagined myself namaste-ing and meditating throughout the whole class. However, that was not the case. Not even close. Although there were moments where the class would lay down and relax, 90% of the course consisted of intense poses that challenge your breathing, concentration, energy, and balance.

Namaste is a traditional gesture that “represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another,” according to Yoga teacher Aadil Palkhivala. To perform Namaste, you close your eyes, place your hands together in a praying pose right by your heart, and bow your head. This is usually done before and after the class.

I am not a pro at yoga but from experience I do know that it helps relieve some stress. At the end of my classes, I would feel very relaxed and grateful. The downward facing dog and plank poses are worth the burn.Screen Shot 2015-05-10 at 6.19.21 PM

Beginning your day with this yoga routine can make all the difference with your stressful mornings in traffic, catching up on work, and overall your energy and health. I highly encourage that you try out this routine. It may give you that extra boost to start your day.
