Summer: you are finally on break from school, the weather is breezy almost every day, homework assignments and exams are non-existent, you get to hang out with your friends and pretty much do whatever you want.

This might sound like the ideal summer plan but it also might get boring after a while. Not only will you be bored, but you might also start to feel like you are being unproductive. And if you disagree with this, chances are you just don’t want to admit it.

Let’s face it, people: we are grown ups and the breezy life doesn’t last too long.

If you are worried that you might be unproductive this summer, here are a few things to keep you busy:

Read a book. Recommendations: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed.

Look for a job or internship. and are great websites to find an internship that is perfect for you.

Get a gym membership or create your very own summer workout plan. Check out Pinterest for awesome at home workouts.

Volunteer. Volunteer at a hospital, library, or organization of your interest.

Take a summer course. Behind in school credits? Or just want to get ahead? Take a summer course at your local community college. Online courses are great too if you don’t have enough time to sit in a class.

Set goals! Write down a few goals you have in mind and think of ways of accomplishing them before summer is over.