Film-lovers who come to Madrid won’t be disappointed by the range of cinematic offerings here. There is a huge appetite for the latest releases from Hollywood coupled with a solid Spanish film industry which turns out quality entertainment every year. It is perfectly possible to see the new big blockbuster in English, Spanish or with a variety of subtitle options.

What’s on offer?

Innumerable cinemas in Madrid cater for audiences wishing to see the hot new American films. The market is there for Spaniards who enjoy these types of films as well as visitors to Spain who are either after a taste of home or simply can’t afford to miss out on the newest movies from their native countries! The only thing to be aware of is the format of these films. One can see an American or English film in its original format or dubbed into Spanish. A mixture of the two appears to be the most common approach: the original language audio but with Spanish subtitles for local audiences. Just make sure you have the right one!

Most popular films/genres

Naturally, cinemas in Madrid will generally not have the same breadth of choice regarding English language films as cinemas located in the UK and the USA, nor should they have as some would argue! But it is a certainty that the biggest films from these countries will undoubtedly be present. At the time of writing, most cinemas in Madrid will be showing Terminator Genisys, one of the biggest films coming out this summer. But also some smaller films like Love & Mercy, a biopic of Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys, are also being shown and enjoyed by locals and tourists alike. An interesting clash of cinematic politics is that in Spain there is minimal censorship so their opinions on the, frequently disapproving, American and British censors is rather amusing!

What about Spanish film?

It is a legitimate concern that Spanish film could potentially be damaged by the presence of foreign blockbusters, as has happened in some other European countries, and the jury is still out for the issue in Spain. The industry here has been growing steadily throughout the 20th and 21st centuries and has undeniably produced some wonderful works. Certain measures have been put in place by the government in Spain to help grow domestic cinema. It is unclear whether big-budget Spanish films like Volver and Los Borgia, which were technically ‘blockbusters’ in Spain, help or hinder home-grown works. Another interesting angle worth investigating is English language films which are technically Spanish. This list would include The Machinist and The Impossible.

Where can I find them?

There are a great number of cinemas in Madrid and it would be foolish to try and list them all here. But a few in particular come highly recommended. Cine Ideal and Cines Princesa will show a variety of Spanish and non-Spanish films, whilst more traditional places like Cines Renoir which show mainly Spanish arthouse films. Most places offer a variety of snacks and drinks to keep you going through the film.