It’s 11 o’clock, in the pavilion of Madrid’s Fair that hosts the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. Today – Tuesday 23rd of February – is the day of the closure of the event.

After having enjoyed the runaway of Virginia Vallejo, I browse the stands. I must admit that it’s quite disappointing: there isn’t much to see. “Last year, it was better, there were much more stands,” affirms an elegant woman in a fur coat, which is a “staple of the Fashion week,” in her words. As the next runway show begins at 12:00, I choose to make time at L’Oréal‘s stand, where professional make up artists offer free make up sessions.

L'Oréal | Giulia Zuffa

L’Oréal | Giulia Zuffa

Then, I enter the Bertha Benz Room, impatient to see the collections of two promising stylists: Xavier Reyes, aged 26, and Antonio Sicilia, who is Spanish despite the name.

Program | Giulia Zuffa

Program | Giulia Zuffa

50 shades of gReyes

The show opens with the collection of Xavi Reyes. In 2015, Vogue wrote that he was one of the three more promising young stylists. He is based in Madrid and currently he’s working as a creative consultant for Adolfo Dominguez.

Xavi Reyes

Xavi Reyes

On the catwalk models proceed very slowly, following the rhythm of the music. The collection is futuristic with a palette of grey colors. Also, many of them present stripes. The stylist himself stated that his creation is inspired by a unisex world and street culture. I must admit that I find the collection a little bit flat.

At the end Xavier gets on the catwalk like a pop star, jumping and running around.

Reyes | Getty Images

Reyes | Getty Images

The music stops and many people of the public get up, in order to exit. Yet, another show is coming: the collection of Antonio Sicilia.

Vertigo by Antonio Sicilia

Even if the name he has is an Italian name, Antonio Sicilia was born in Spain, in the southern region of Andalucía. Despite the fact that he has just started his career, he has already won many awards. His collection, called Vertigo, is rooted in psychology and contains references to aeronautics.

This time the music, techno, is so high that sometimes the seats tremble. The dresses are very peculiar and they obtain the approbation of the numerous public of the Bertha Benz Room. White is, without any doubts, the protagonist of the collection.

Antonio Sicilia | Getty Images

Antonio Sicilia | Getty Images

They are different: from white dresses, very elegant, to blue and orange suits. When a black ninja steps on the catwalk, people utter an exclamation of surprise.

Ninja | Getty Images

Ninja | Getty Images

We have seen two runway shows, very different one from another. Do you prefer the robotic collection of Xavier Reyes or the white collection designed by Antonio Sicilia? Personally, I have no doubt. I may do crazy things for having Antonio Sicilia’s white snug dress!

White snug dress | Getty Images

White snug dress | Getty Images

After six days of shows, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week closes its doors and rolls up the rose carpet.

Madrid passes the baton to Milan. In fact, on the 24th of February begins the Milan Fashion Week, one of the main fashion events of the year. As far as Madrid’s fair is concerned, this week we will host ARCO, the contemporary art fair. If you are in Madrid, I suggest you visit it!

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