Think you have a great story to tell? Follow us on Twitter @ROOSTERGNN and Facebook, and add #ROOSTERGNN to your tweets or Facebook posts. The best finds will be shared each week on ROOSTERGNN.
Think you have a great story to tell? Follow us on Twitter @ROOSTERGNN and Facebook, and add #ROOSTERGNN to your tweets or Facebook posts. The best finds will be shared each week on ROOSTERGNN.
MADRID, SPAIN. La Fugitiva is a small Librería Café in Barrio de las Letras. Entering, you are surrounded with a warm atmosphere filled with intellectuals.
U.S.A. Over the last several years, much has been written about the state, and the crisis, of the humanities. Michael Bérube, Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Lit...
MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT, U.S.A. ROOSTERGNN is celebrating National Reading Day with series of literature-related images.
In Middlebury, a sign has been put up at t...