MADRID, SPAIN. Each country has its own little tips and tricks when it comes to putting together a resume. If you are coming from abroad and looking to apply to jobs in Spain, or even if you have spent time in Spain but still need some resume help, MADbudget is here to help. We have put together a brief, handy guide with everything you need to know about specifically adapting your resume for that job in Spain. Don’t let that economic crisis deter you – there are jobs to be found, especially if you speak other languages.
To help you out, we have also created a downloadable .doc Spanish CV template, ready for you to fill in. This is what it looks like.
Make sure that your personal details are clearly visible at the top of your CV. Your personal details should include:
- First name and last name. In Spain, it is common for people to have more than one last name (apellidos). If you only have one last name, that is fine, too, of course.
- Address (street, number, door, zip code, city). If your name does not sound Spanish, including your address in Spain will help future employers know that you are actually already in the country. If you are applying for jobs from abroad, you can use your foreign address.
- Telephone number and/or mobile number. Putting down a Spanish mobile phone makes it more likely that employers will call you on that number, but only list it if you are actually going to be able to pick up should they call you. If you are listing a foreign number, make sure to indicate the country code with the + sign.
- Email. Self-explanatory; use an email that you check regularly.
- NIE / DNI. If you have a Spanish NIE or DNI, you can also list it on your CV.
- Date of birth. It is customary to list your date of birth in Spain, especially since employer’s can receive social security benefits for hiring those under 30, for example.
In the United States or other countries around the world, it is not common, or sometimes even prohibited, to include your photo on your CV. In Spain, however, it is normal practice. Make sure that the photo you include is professional (i.e. don’t use your latest Facebook profile photo). No sunglasses, no hats, etc. There are photo machines around Madrid where you can get photos done at a low cost.

Hiring | Flazingo Photos
If you have a lot of professional experience to show, list this first. If you are a recent graduate, you may way to start with your education instead.
For your professional experience, include:
- Company. Include acronyms such as S.L. (sociedad limitada) if you were employed at a Spanish company before, for example.
- Location. This can go in brackets next to the company, for example.
- Dates employed. Depending on how long you were employed at a specific position, use months or years instead. When in doubt, list the month and the year of the start date and the month and the year of the end date.
- Position. Translate the position you held to the best of your abilities. Intern, for example, is becario or becaria.
- Responsibilities. Briefly list the responsibilities you had, including any particular achievements.
Repeat for the rest of positions held. Include positions that are relevant to the job you are applying for, wherever possible.
A similar format as professional experience, including:
- Institution.
- Degree.
- Dates.
- Any additional details/awards/scholarships worth mentioning.
If you have taken any non-university or continuing education courses, include them here as well. You can also separate them with a separate divider titled “Formación complementaria”.
This is your chance to stand out from the rest of the applicants. Speaking fluent English, for example, is not common among the majority of the Spanish population. Include:
- Language.
- Level. The European standards go from A1-C2. You can find your level using the chart here.
- Any titles that accredit your language skills. For English, for example, Spaniards frequently cite the First Certificate. If you do not have any titles, leave it blank.
List any skills, such as computer skills, social media, etc. If you are a programmer, graphic designer or applying for any other position where specific program skills are required, this is an important part of your application and should be easily visible.
List any other relevant experience or skills here. For example:
- Driver’s license. List which license (e.g. B).
- Availability.
- Disponibilidad inmediata – available immediately.
- Mañanas – mornings.
- Tardes – afternoons.
- Media jornada – part-time.
- Jornada completa – full-time.
Have you downloaded the Spanish CV template you? If not, download it here.