In the midst of all these brand new cameras coming out into the world, and their amazing specifications and traits that you would never have imagined to exist (just like the 360 camera), all of the once used and once loved analog cameras are still waiting to be picked up and be used to once again take pictures.

There are numerous ways you can get hold of an analog camera, and numerous reasons of why you should. Let us bring you through the obvious reasons first.

Things that came from the past have a specific trait in them, and that trait kind of makes an attachment with you as you use the camera. It has specific history just like any other item from the past, be it the camera that your family had always bring on vacations, or the first camera your dad had, or even a camera that your grandfather had used.

So this then goes to the next reason. Analog cameras are surely durable. It may be because their rough exterior and their manual workings that it does not break easily as the cameras nowadays. You can search for some analog cameras in second hand market and shops and they would still be working perfectly, just make  sure to check its conditions first.

Next, is that the camera’s result is exactly like what you see with your eyes, if using fresh film, and not the expired ones. The lenses in these cameras have quite a quality in them and an impeccable focus, to the extent where the results of your photo are as clear as how the sun brightened that day.

impeccable focus

impeccable focus

The role of light in analog photography

The role of light in analog photography

Which brings us to our last reason, but definitely not the least. You never know what your are going to get every time you have the film developed. You get a tingly feel whilst waiting for the pictures, and you will always be surprised by the pictures, be it sudden lens flares to some pictures you forgot you had taken.

Where to find one?

Firstly, ask your parents, other family members, or grandparents if they still have the camera,because those are the ones that have the tendency to still be in good quality, but if you are not intending to do so, usually you can find analog cameras, be it an SLR camera or a point and shoot one at any second hand market, but it would be recommended to go to a specific store or market that sells those cameras, as the sellers could give you more information on them. Join communities on the internet that talk about analog camera, because there are loads of them.

So good luck, adjust the aperture and light meter, and start pressing that shutter button!