In China, in Sichuan province started construction of a copy of a transatlantic steamer “Titanic”, a life-size riverside Tsitszyan. Initial investment in the project, which will have to attract tourists amounted to 160 million dollars.

According to “People’s Daily”, now there is a build up body entered the world history of the ship. It is planned that the Chinese “Titanic” will become a hotel for tourists, in addition, there will be held stylized leisure activities – evening banquets in an atmosphere of the beginning of XX century serving dishes that time, balls, masquerades and parties by the pool. According to the publication, the average cost of daily living on the ship will be 500 dollars, the maximum “to reach hundreds of thousands of yuan.” The ship is built by private investors.

We recall the legendary “Titanic” was equipped with two four steam engines and steam turbines. Its capacity was 55 thousand. L / s, he was capable of speeds up to 23 knots (42 km / h). British steamer “Titanic”, is considered the largest passenger liner in the world, 14 April 1912 ran into an iceberg during the flight to New York and sank after 2 hours 40 minutes. Shipwreck “sea giant”, which killed about 1.5 thousand people, shocked the world.