GLOBAL. 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), an ideal opportunity to reflect on globalization and ...
GLOBAL. The successful alliance between the United States and the Soviet Union brought victory and an end to World War II. However, peace didn’t last long. Admi...
“In the summer of 1931 a Labour government suddenly sagged at its knees and fell dead. High finance had killed it as high finance will kill the next Labour gove...
CHISINAU, MOLDOVA. The question of Transnistria echoes again (also called Trans-Dniester) after the events in Ukraine. Russian and Tiraspol authorities and poli...
U.S.A. It is highly likely that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee in 2016. The fact that she appears to be the overwhelming mainstream favorite get...
ANKARA, TURKEY. Turkey is shaken by ongoing civil unrest. In many cities across the country, tens of thousands of people take over public squares with mass demo...
U.S.A. Although many people might be familiar with the term “neo-liberalism”, there is still very little reporting of this economic model, even though it pretty...
MADRID, SPAIN. Saturday the 22nd of March saw Madrid turn into a confluence of slogans, banners, and chants as people from all regions of Spain got together in ...
GLOBAL. That the world is in the middle of a financial crisis, is unlikely to have escaped anyone’s attention. While unemployment rates, debts and inflation in...
GLOBAL.Que el mundo atravesando una crisis financiera, lo habrán notado casi todos. Mientras que las tasa de desempleo, las deudas y la inflación aumenta, los ...
UKRAINE. A further escalation of the Ukrainian crisis may cause dreadful tectonic shifts both at regional and global level politics. Russia’s reaction to the Uk...
U.S.A. The level of inequality in the United States is staggering and has only deepened over the past few decades. Recently, Rolling Stone published a very thou...
U.K. The central political goal at the heart of Western politics has been the idea of individual freedom; politicians have attempted to free individuals from th...
TEHRAN, IRAN. The start of a second round of Vienna nuclear negotiations is set for March 17, 2014. The end of 2013 brought unexpected positive news coming from...
NEW YORK CITY, U.S.A. This article is part of a two-part series on Blacks in NYC. Read the first segment here.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is no strange...
NEW YORK CITY, U.S.A. The economic crisis of 2008 has shown the dark side of capitalism. Due to irresponsibility and risky behavior at the most powerful financi...