A Brussels-based Italian cabaret artist has been challenging an expulsion order. Silvia Guerra brings her story on the stage. And laughs at everything, herself included....
The security alert paralysed the Belgian capital, while paving the way for the militarisation of public space. Chronicles from a city at war without war....
Captagon fuels the Syrian war by enhancing combat skills of fighters and funding rebel groups but it could potentially create a generation of lifelong addicts....
EMF-Marseille President Edem Essid opens up about his perspectives over French society, the tragic attacks of Paris and the present and future of the organization....
For more than two decades NATO Russia have been striving to build diplomatic relations but the latest events reveal that tensions among them continue to exist....
“We don't take sides, we have the mission to help people in need.” Leaders of Hungarian charity services had a discussion about the migration crisis....