25th June 2015, Brussels. The increasing awareness towards the importance of a bilateral discussion leads to the first EU-Cuba high-level human rights dialogue....
Those who oppose the recent influx of refugees have chosen to vent their anger online, leading to shutdowns of online comment sections and news websites....
Hungary decided to follow the footsteps of Denmark and use Arabic press to explain to immigrants that entering Hungarian territory illegally will end in them going to jail.
On September 16, Standard & Poor’s downgrades Japan’s sovereign credit rating. What happened to one of the AA- countries? The story of a debt-oppressed economy....
''Democracies and New Technologies'' is an interview with Professor Reina Shehi on the predominant debate of how democracy and technology are influencing our daily lives....
Governmental support for psychological wellbeing is growing, but there is still a need for better funded mental health sectors in Western health systems....
Italy is the first country in Europe that opened the high-speed rail market to competitors. But the relationship between competitors faces challenges and deep rivalries.....